samedi 2 juillet 2016

Rocket Players does not always play tracks in the correct order

I listen to audio books in mp3 format. I use Mp3tag to first number the tracks in order with leading zeros, the rename the files using the track# + Album Title. Some times they play in order, other times it does not. It never shows the tag or file name as it exists in the header. 001 Book Title.mp3 with The Author as the artist shows up a nothing but the a column of The Author with the track duration under it.

I tried making a generic m3u playlist by entering the directory and doing a 'dir /on /b'>book.m3u then deleting the book.m3u file line from within in the file. It does not recognize this as a playlist. Other, less capable :-) players do.

It does not happen to every book but it is very bothering when it does. Especially if you have the on book on your phone and a 4 hour drive. You are then forced to then <shudder> listen to the radio.

Great player for audio books, it's ability to 'remember' were it was even after a restart put it way above all of the other options.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Ed aka Avid Reader in the book circles.

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