lundi 30 janvier 2017

Is VOLTE supposed to work with Nougat 7.0 on unlocked Galaxy S7 Edge? (UK)

I was on the Nougat 7 beta program and had to accept that VOLTE didn't work on my unlocked S7 Edge (UK) but the forums suggested that it would be supported again when the full release was available along with Samsung Good Lock. Neither work now I have the full release of 7.0 and I'm wondering if these are reserved for the forthcoming 7.1.1 release although reports suggest this is minor tweaks and new emoticons. If this is the case then surely all the Marshmallow users with VOLTE will lose it when they're upgraded to 7.0? I performed a factory on reset my phone hoping that would make VOLTE reappear but it hasn't and searching Google has proved fruitless in finding an answer. Has anyone any information on this?

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