jeudi 27 septembre 2018

A new notification each message?


I recently bought an S9+ after only ever using iOS, so I'm a still getting used to the changes, but I have a question regarding notifications.

I may be the only one I know of that prefers this, but I was wondering if there's a way to set up notifications so that I get alerted every time someone I'm talking to sends a message.

Do correct me if I'm wrong here but I'm only ever alerted about the first message, be it from WhatsApp or Discord, and then any following messages from the same person or group chat dont trigger an alert until I clear the notifications.

Is there anyway to prevent this and make it so that EACH message that is sent will alert me? Again, I'm aware that I'm basically just asking to be spammed, but as someone who has quite lengthy conversations it's a little annoying to check my phone to one notification and realised I've missed about eight.


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