dimanche 30 octobre 2016

Switching from iPhone to Android, phone suggestions?

Hi, This is my first time participating on the forum. I plan to be back around the future once I decide on a phone before my current one dies.

This will be my second ever Android after making a switch back from iPhone. I had the S4 and it had a lot of problems (lag, failure to hang up/answer calls, screen constantly frozen, etc) that turned me off for awhile, but I realized that it's because I didn't take care of it properly years ago (downloaded themes, widgets, etc). I can't stand my iPhone anymore, and want to switch back to Android since I'm a tech enthusiast, so naturally I want a phone I could play around with on an advanced level. I love the ability to do what I wish on my phone with a lot of possibilities. But I'm having a hard time deciding which phone I should get, as I only really know of the Galaxy series and was looking at the S5/S6. The following are some info to best help get an idea of what I'm looking for:

Country: United States

Carrier: AT&T

Price: No more than $250.

Not used for gaming. However, for streaming. Also I like phones just slightly bigger than the iPhone 5S, so I feel that the Note line isn't necessary for me.

Other considerations: Swappable batteries preferred but not required, expandable SD strongly preferred but also not required. Strong battery life required. Quick charge option would be nice but not required. Looks and durability don't matter at all since I'll be putting a case on it (Otterbox if applicable).

Thanks in advance!

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