vendredi 30 novembre 2018

Galaxy S9 Plus photos of people arent clear or sharp

Hi. I have owned a Galaxy S9 Plus since release day and have not been too thrilled with the picture quality more so here of late. My biggest issue is when I take photos of my two year old son, the images don't seem sharp or very clear. Kind of fuzzy if that makes sense. I am no photo expert so sorry on the words of choice if they don't make sense.

I take alot of photos of my son and I notice the quality always seems poor. I feel like my S7 Active took better images of people. So my question is, am I using the camera wrong? Is there a recommended setting for taking photos of people? Or is this a known issue?

Throughout the summer I used the live focus mode which seemed to make the picture quality look better, but that mode seemed to work best when it was bright out. I searched all over Google, YouTube and the forums before I posted looking for ideas on what could be the cause or any tips on taking pictures of my son or any people. Any information or ideas is highly appreciated.

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