vendredi 30 novembre 2018

Why do the black and white pixel 3s have different vibration types?

I just bought two pixel 3s one for myself and one for my mom. I ended up getting a black one and my mother grabbed got the white one.

Since my mom like most mom's are pretty technologically incompetent I set up both of the phones.

While setting it up I noticed that the phones had different vibration types. When typing on the keyboard (gboard) on the black pixel it made a "buzzing" vibration on each keystroke while the white one made a "clicking" vibration when typing on the gboard. The black pixel can make the "clicking" vibration but only when hitting the home or back button.

I checked through all the setting but could only find how to lower or increase the vibration strength.

Does anyone know how to change it to the "clicking" vibration when typing? The clicking is much cleaner and enjoyable when typing.


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