mercredi 28 novembre 2018

No sound from TV with AC3 audio.

Hello, I wonder if anyone can help as this is driving me mad. I purchased a shield a few days ago and I've set it all up but have the following issue;

If I play an MKV movie with AC3 audio from a USB stick when the shield is directly linked to the TV via HDMI I get no sound whatsoever from it, have tried tons of files all with the same result.

The surround setting in shield is set to "Auto" if i set it to "never" it plays the files but everything is played in PCM. Keeping the setting on Auto, the TV outputs sound from every other type of audio codec (AAc, DTS, TrueHD, DTS-HDMA, DTS-X, ATMOS), just not AC3.
If I connect the shield to my receiver first, the receiver can play the AC3 file and it displays it as Dolby Digital, which i think is correct.

I know some people will say; well whats the problem just play it through the receiver first. Yes, but, not always do I want the receiver on with sound blasting out of 9 speakers and a subwoofer, sometimes we just want quiet films playing in the background just coming out of the TV, also my wife just likes to pop the TV and play a film, not have to turn on the receiver and faff around with it.

A bit more info, my TV is around 6 years old its a samsung UE40ES6800. The TV will play AC3 files direct from a memory stick or from NAS drives, it just wont play them coming from the shield.

Is this normal behaviour, I'm concerned there may be a fault with my shield?

Thank you in advance for your time.

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