jeudi 28 avril 2016

How do I remove ads off my home screen and trends from my text boxes?

As of this week my phone has gotten some strange new "features". The first thing I noticed was that whenever I started typing in a text box (i.e. text messaging app or Facebook messenger), a little bar with "trends" would appear under it (2nd picture). I don't know where it came from, and I looked through my settings to see if I could disable it, but to no avail. The second thing I noticed was today when I went to unlock my phone, my lock screen would be completely different, and it featured an ad (1st picture). My lock screen is suppose to be just my background photo, the time, and a pattern to unlock it. Again, I looked through my settings to disable this but nothing seemed to do anything. I'm assuming my phone has some kind of virus or some rogue app is doing this, but I don't know which one because I haven't downloaded any new apps and I'm pretty sure I haven't clicked on any fishy links. Does anyone know what I can do about this?

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