jeudi 28 avril 2016

My device was lost, found, and now looks empty?!

Alright here's my situation, my friend lost her phone the other day and it was found in front of a coffee shop she went to by another student at our school. The guy gave my friend her phone and all was well but when we charged it and turned it on it appeared the phone had been restored. She freaked out and thought it was the SIM card but I knew that wasn't true because she could still call and text plus I could see it in her phone, the SD slot was empty but I remember she never had an SD card because I suggested getting one once. Anyway, it's weird because she had a Verizon Samsung S4 or S5 (I don't remember) but the OS looks different as the icons don't look like they used to and all of her pictures, music, everything is gone. I checked her storage though and it says ~6GB of apps and no music, pictures or videos BUT there is ~5.5GB of miscellaneous files. My theory is that all of her stuff is still there somewhere but I can't find it in the file manager. Is her phone's memory gone with all of her pictures or are they there somewhere?

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