jeudi 29 novembre 2018

Can a SMS be sent from Note 9 to both Galaxy Watch and Ford SYNC system?

I have a Note 9 phone, Galaxy Watch and 2014 Ford running SYNC.

Prior to getting the watch, SMS's would be sent to the SYNC infotainment system in my truck and displayed or read without any issue. I then purchased a Galaxy Watch and after connecting it to the Note 9, SMS's now only appear on the watch even when I'm in my vehicle and the phone is connected to both the watch and infotainment system. If I have my phone, but no watch in the vehicle (phone/watch are disconnected but phone/SYNC are connected), the SMS is sent to the SYNC system without issue.

Is there a setting I'm missing on my phone or Galaxy Watch app so that a SMS can be sent to both my watch and SYNC system if both are connected? If specific versions of these systems or apps are needed I can provide.

Thanks in advance.

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