samedi 30 avril 2016

Touch sensitivity not great on new Galaxy S6

Just got a new S6 a week and a half ago and the one thing I have noticed in the past week or so is that it just isn't responding to my touch all that well. The keyboard is so tiny even compared to my older and much smaller phone, but even when i am trying to press on some apps or play a game, sometimes it just doesn't respond and it'll take several times of hard tapping to get it to respond. It does have a screen protector on, a glass one, as well as a solid plastic case, but I had those put on two days after I got the phone and it seemed just fine for the first few days of my ownership. It's getting really frustrating to text anyone. Any ideas what I could do? The *#2663# code does not work for me as I am on US Cellular, but I was told if I could get into that menu, there is a setting I could change that would fix it. Any ideas?

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