vendredi 31 mars 2017

Galaxy Note 4 - S-Pen not working on a part of a screen

So... I have second hand note 4 (and I don't have guarrancy now). Everything was fine for few months but today s-pen stopped to work in a 3/4 height half of inch strip from left to right side of screen. When I move it above this strip air view points stops and after moving half of the way it appears on the other side.
Is my phone damaged by water? I splashed some time before a bit of water on the screen, but I get rid of water fastły, so i don't now if it's connected. Especially if it wasn't my first time "moisturizing" screen.
Has anyone similar problem? What was the cause? Is it problem with s-pen (I wish, buying new doesn' require money.), software, this thing in the screen which detects s-pen is damaged or is it any other reason?

Does anybody know how to fix that and how much it'll cost if phone is damaged? I don't have enough money to change whole screen etc. (It's hard to say how much money I can pay for it. I use other currency. I hope it'll fit in 10% of used phone cost or I can fix it on my own. Otherwise i'll be sad. :( )

PS. Sorry for writing too much text. I'm stressed a bit.

PS2. I forgot to mention that I have glass screen protector, but it was there for months and everything was fine.

And I also have no magnets there, so this isn't a reason.

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