dimanche 30 avril 2017

my external storage mounts and unmounts on its own randomly

can't be sure if it's a bug or a hardware issue.

it happens just about anytime on my newly acquired ZenFone 2 laser 6.0.

when I put it to sleep, when I go online or offline..

recently, it unmounted on its own while I was trying to take a still shot on my cam so that the camera froze for a bit and had the captured image corrupted.

what to do? how to diagnose the problem?

I hope my fon has not been infiltrated by a phishing virus? not much data on my phone, yet, tho. but it's really disturbing and disrupting productivity.

from Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com - Ask a Question //forums.androidcentral.com/showthread.php?t=795290&goto=newpost

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