vendredi 31 mars 2017

Any way to turn off LTE on LG Premiere?

I have a new LG Premiere LTE Tracfone running on Verizon towers, and Cell Standby is killing my battery. My signal strength is bad -- hovering around -112 dBm. My other LG 3G CDMA phones work great here. Researching online seems to indicate that with a new phone, Cell Standby drainage is probably due to a weak signal, and that turning off LTE may help. So I want to try turning off LTE, but I can't find a code to get into any hidden menu. I've tried *#*#4636#*#* and ##778 # but they only send me to a Verizon voice msg saying can't be completed. Anyone have any suggestions or know any magic code to use to turn off LTE? Am I even understanding all this correctly? I really appreciate any insights...

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