lundi 27 février 2017

Getting blocked from signing into Snapchat on Nox App Player

I've installed Nox App Player for the sole purpose of using Snapchat on it. I created a new Google account, downloaded and installed Snapchat from Google Play and it installed fine. I was able to sign up for Snapchat and had access to it. I don't have a phone so i couldn't do the "verify your phone #" part of the process, but I did do the "Email Verification." To do so I had to sign out of Snapchat, go to the email i gave it to verify and click 'verify' in the email. But upon trying to sign back in to Snapchat it gives me a "Locked Account" screen. (Screenshot here):

At the bottom it reads: For more info on why your account might have been locked, please go here. Then it sends me to this page which says my account has been locked for 24 hours. (Screenshot):

What I'm wondering is if Snapchat recognized that I was using Nox Player (a 3rd party app) and locked my account. I also did have 'root' enabled on Nox when i signed up for Google/Snapchat, so i'm wondering if that could be what caused it or if it was something else. Is there a way around this problem or do I have to wait out the 24 hours and try again? And if i do get ublocked, i'm also wondering if this could happen again if I keep using Snapchat on Nox?

I can't think of any other reason why my account would be blocked as I had just signed up for Snapchat about 5 mins earlier. I didn't even add any friends to it yet or send any Snaps or anything. The only thing i did was do the "Email verification" part. So i'm thinking that me using Nox may have caused the ban.

I have no experience using Android, Nox, Google Services or Snapchat so i feel a bit out of my league here.

Any help or insight into what i'm doing wrong or what I could do (if anything) to fix it would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

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