mercredi 1 février 2017

Miracast stopped working on my LG3

Hello, I have been using Miracast on my LG3 to connect to my tv via Screenbeam Pro dongle for over a month now with no problem. Just this week, it stopped working. Everytime I turn on Miracast, it searches for devices, the Screenbeam dongle shows up in found devices, I try to connect, on the tv screen it shows verifying security. On my phone, the screenbeam dongle disappears from the list of devices, and a few seconds later, on the tv it goes back to ready to connect.

I've tried this with a D-Link receiver as well and get the same behaviour, shows up in listed devices, attempts to connect, I enter the pin from the tv, is checking security and the device vanishes from the list of devices. So this seems to be a problem with my LG3 and not the receivers.

I haven't done anything to my phone, haven't installed anything new or any updates. Any idea how to fix this?


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