samedi 28 avril 2018

Metro PCS compatible phones a mystery

Hi, if you look on Metro's site at their bring your own phone section to see if your phone is compatible, it often isn't according to their dropdown list. However, it also lists phones that Metro actually sells as incompatible. I think that the dropdown isn't working right because sometimes it lists the S7 and S8, for example, as incompatible, then upon reload, compatible.

(Also, Metro sells some phones that I cannot find listed on their site unless I get lucky via an external link, and then they appear, but are only available in-store.)

So, I'm considering the Galaxy A8 (2018) and it's not listed in their compatible dropdown, but its specs on B&H and GSM Arena show that it is compatible.

Can anyone recommend a better way to confirm phone compatibility for Metro than this guesswork approach I'm using? Thank you.

Kate G

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