samedi 30 juin 2018

HELP - Some App Called 10273 is Draining My Battery

My Galaxy j7 started unusual power usage today. I first noticed it getting unusually warm, several times during the day. Then I noticed it was needing a charge, something which almost never happens during the day. After charging up, it went from full power to 8% in just two and a half hours. When checking on battery usage, it listed an app I have never seen before, with just the name 10273, and same icon as the Android OS, using a whole lot of power (below screen but more than Android OS.) The force stop and disable buttons have no effect. I have searched online for any information about this "10273" but can find nothing. Sounds an awful lot like a virus, but Kaspersky doesn't find anything. Is anyone else having this issue? Help!!!
Followup - my battery is draining so fast, that on the charger it is still losing charge, or barely holding steady. A reboot and cold restart didn't help. I have had no choice but to turn the phone off and charge it while it is off tonight so I'll have at least some usuable time int he morning. This cannot go on. HELP!!!! Please!!!!

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