mardi 30 mai 2017

Why is Safe mode not switching off after a required restart ?

Guys,I have accidentally droped my Samsung Galaxy S7 edge,and it had broked up my rear glass fully and front glass on top of phone near the microphone.After this accident eventhough the display had not damaged. Few days later i have downloaded and installed the latest software version for the first time.After finishing this installing I"ve noticed that safe mode is activated on my phone.On the notification panel i noticed an option to didable safe mode by restarting the device.So i restarted it.Again i noticed the safe mode has not been deactivated.I also had made the volume down button stuck in accidentally at the time when phone fell down.After all these i have restarted so many times but no result.Safe mode is really irritating and i dont understand why samsung using this bull-**** SAFE MODE!!!!!!.All of my appz are useless or deactivated by this stupid SAFE MODE now. Can anyone find any way to help me....please.........

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