jeudi 29 décembre 2016

Galaxy S7 seems dead. Volume down + power and other combinasons not working. Dong when plugged to PC

Hello everyone.
My Galaxy S7 is not booting. Black screen. No Lights. Had about 90% battery when it failed.
I have tried forced boot and recovery boot whith the volumes, home and power keys; All combinasons I could find on the net. For more than 1 minutes for each try. No signs of life.
I plugged it to my computer via USB and windows found a device Exynos 8890 but could not install any driver. Windows did make the USB plugging sound. Windows also makes a sound when I press the phone power off and on. With slighly different tones.
I have downloaded Samsung latest USB drivers to see if I could go further, but than does not change anything.
Any help from anybody ?
Thanks !

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