mercredi 28 février 2018

I HATE my update! My phone updated November and I'm ready to throw it out the window on the freeway.

It is so frustrating! It worked almost perfectly for the year before. NOW IT SUCKS. My biggest complaint (BUT by FAR not the only one) is that a LOT of times I can't even answer my calls. They put this new cover page on it that I hate! It's just an extra step. Many times I can't even get it to unlock in time before the caller hangs up. THAT COST ME MONEY DAMMIT! They added all these new aps I never asked for or wanted. It all comes up at the worst possible times. What the hell is Joy Lock Screen anyhow? I called both my phone service and my phone manufacturer and neither one had any idea. I asked where I could find a manual and no one could help with that either. They put all this other crap on there that is just an annoyance. It comes up constantly. I HATE this phone now. Why can't they just leave crap alone? This is NOT progress!

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