jeudi 28 mars 2019

Why is my Galaxy S6 battery draining so fast in only one location?

During spring break last week, my phone battery was completely drained sometime before 5PM after not being used at all since I took it off the charger with a full battery that morning. Prior to that, the battery could last over 24 hours without being used, so this came as a nasty surprise. I monitored the battery afterward to see if I'd just forgotten that I hadn't charged it after all, but it actually was draining from a full charge at a ridiculous rate.

I tried looking for background apps that could be causing the issue, but if I didn't use my phone at all, it reported Android OS as using 100% of the battery. So I looked for an upgrade and found that my OS is up-to-date.

I tried restarting my phone. Absolutely no improvement in battery.

I started leaving my phone at home on the charger rather than bringing it with me to go shopping or out with my fiancee or anything, but as I did more research, I couldn't find any tips that pertain to my situation.

And then... My mother came in from out of town to help get things ready for my wedding. I had my phone with me as we were running around the county. Its battery drained at its normal rate while we were out and about, and I saw the same pattern when I had my phone on vibrate at my job and in my class this week. It is ONLY at home that this happens, and even playing video games at the bus stop with GPS running in the background takes less battery than my phone just sitting in my apartment.

I turned Bluetooth off to no avail, but the only thing I can think of why my battery might suddenly be draining so quickly at home is still if one of my neighbors got a new toy for spring break that's wreaking havoc with my battery? Does anyone have any other ideas of what could be causing this behavior or how to keep it from happening?

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