jeudi 30 août 2018

Is there any way at all to access the history of the copy and paste clip tray?

Okay, I will try to explain this as best as I can. Basically, I am a very creative and unorganized person at the moment, and I tend to bury myself with my ideas and notes.

I write down A LOT of stuff, and when I don't have access to pen and paper, I have to find ways to write things on my phone. I sometimes used google chrome tabs (I have over 1000 open), and I also used google docs, but since my phone's storage is so depleted lately, google chrome and google docs have been rather buggy.

This lead me to rely on my phone's clip tray in certain spurs on the moment. The clip tray is basically an area of storage that keeps about 18 things that you copy (by long pressing and highlighting).

Well, I accidentally saved a couple things too much, and since you can only have 18 things at a time, I lost some things.

Is there any apps or anything you can recommend to go back in the clip tray a little bit?

It would GREATLY help if I could retrieve those notes/ideas. Whenever I lose things, even little things, it hurts my soul and festers within my mind.

Creating things is my purpose, and losing the material I need to create, is the bane of my existence.

Thank you.

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