jeudi 30 août 2018

Does anyone recognize this prompt? Is it malware

I regularly get a prompt on my android that looks like malware.

There is an icon of a police officer in the upper left corner. The text in the box reads
"Permission Required
Oops! We detected that some permissions are required for these tasks to work properly.


There are two buttons below the text. One is "Close", the other is "FIX IT!"

I always hit "Close"

I only use the google play store to download apps.

There was only one suspicious incident: In Las Vegas Airport Terminal C I tried to connect to the Boingo network. I got a "Bad Certificate" error but proceeded anyway. I was given a choice to pay for internet access or to watch an ad and get free internet access. I chose watch the ad. The ad never started, but the phone stalled for a few seconds. I started up my VPN and was able to browse the net.

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