jeudi 31 août 2017

Showing only Contacts and not hidden contacts

For some reason, my Contacts and Phone app insist on showing contacts that I've removed (or rather hidden) from Contacts on My list of actual contacts currently has ~300 contacts, but the list my phone is showing contacts around 1500. Many of these are people I haven't contacted in years, but I can't simply delete them forever - they have notes and labels and contact info that may be important down the road. Instead I've hidden them and filed them away in case I ever need them again - except hiding doesn't affect Android.

In the contact Apps, there's at least a way to select a "Custom view." It causes the somewhat perverse thing where "All Contacts" shows a couple hundred contacts while "Contacts" shows 1500, but it's at least usable. The Phone app, on the other hand, no longer has the option to customize the view to show only certain groups, only My Contacts, or only contacts with numbers.

Anyone have a fix that doesn't involve butchering archived old contacts?

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